PhD Student in Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT
Research Question: Do people have a hyperprior on systemic (“invisible-hand”) explanations over agentive explanations of macro-social situations?
Method: An online cognitive experiment
Supervison: Asst. Prof. Tomer Ullman (Computation, Cognition, and Development Lab, Harvard University)
SPP 2022 Invisible-Hand Poster
Research Questions: (i) How do the processes that generate implicit and explicit attitudes interact? (ii) What phenotypes of the generative model produce data indicating phenomena such as cognitive dissonance, illusory truth effect, and polarization?
Method: Computational modeling; a formal network model combined with the Active Inference framework as a bespoke hybrid model
Supervision: Prof. Han van der Maas (UvA) & Casper Hesp, MSc (UvA, University College London)